Wednesday, December 20, 2006

It's how they run the house

The winter session of the Karnataka Legislature, as was the case last year, is off with the Government likely to opt for a brief session of the Legislature after the Sankranthi festival. The next session is scheduled to commence on January 19, tentatively.

This would translate into the Government holding sessions of the legislature for just 51 days in the current calendar year which is almost the same as that of last year when the session was held for 50 days.

It also means that the Karnataka Conduct of Business in the State Legislature Act 2005 which stipulates that the Legislature should meet for at least 60 days in a year stands to be dishonoured in the very first year after the legislation was enacted.

The legislation was enacted primarily to ensure that the Legislature met at regular intervals akin to Parliament — an opening session of 15 days, a budget session of 20 days, a monsoon session of 15 days and a winter session of 10 days.

"The legislation is not an advisory but a law which has to be strictly adhered to by the Government. Section 4 of the Act has imposed an obligation on the Government to recommend legislature sessions for 60 days,"
The total working days for them in a year is just 60 days that too was enforced by law(During the S.M.Krishna period it was just 40 days),and these politicians can;t run the legislature even for the same number of days.And for these they get quarters,vehicle,human resources,salary too(sometime they demand the salary is not on par).Shame on you politicians.shame on you.